Elton Hand-tied Bouquet - Magnolia the Florist
Magnolia the Florist

Subscription Flower Delivery

Experience the joy of fresh flowers with our subscription service!

Choose between bi-weekly or monthly deliveries, and select the date for your first order.

We'll continue to bring beautiful blooms to your door around the same date for each subsequent delivery.

Need to adjust your schedule or cancel? No problem! You can easily amend your next delivery date or cancel your subscription at any time. Enjoy a hassle-free way to brighten your space!

Our expert florists will pick a selection of gorgeous seasonal flowers and pack them in a compact box for delivery through the letterbox. We then deliver either by courier or for local delivery, flowers will be delivered by us as normal.

Your flowers will have our care guide, flower food and your message on our signature card as well.

Select the duration of your deliveries e.g. Bi-weekly or Monthly. Prices start from £28.50 plus delivery charge.

Select the date of the first delivery, we'll deliver your flowers on or as close as we can to that date. We will then deliver your next delivery either 2 weeks after or the month after.

Complete and pay for your order, we'll debit your payment method for your first delivery and then we'll charge you again in advance, just before your next delivery. So there are no big payments to pay in advance.

Our team will select the freshest blooms, and we will carefully pack those ready, just before despatch, so that the flowers arrive perfect for you.

Your flowers will be delivered then on your chosen date, or as close as we can for you. If you need to amend your next date or pause, just log in to your account.

Once the recipient has received the flowers, simply follow the enclosed guide, arrange the flowers into a vase or container and enjoy!

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