2023 Happy New Year
2023 Happy New Year
New year resolutions
Once more, another year has come to a conclusion and a new one has just started. It seems traditional to make new year's resolutions but honestly how many of us haven't given up on them by the last week in January?
Sometimes we are so preoccupied with setting our new goals for this year, we frequently fail to recognise our accomplishments from the previous 12 months, so before we start our resolutions for this year, take a look at this post on Team Zoella it features a guest post by Iti Malken, which suggests we do an annual review so we can celebrate our wins and be compassionate with the things that did not go that well, which should move towards your desired 2023 outcome.
Here at Team Magnolia, we all have different resolutions, this year a couple of us are trying to get back into the gym more often, and others are trying to get fitter and eat more healthy generally, (no more Mcdonald's breakfasts on the way in!!!) There are some great recipes and exercises which we are looking forward to trying on Joe Wicks site.
A new year at Magnolia
Coming back to the shop after the Christmas and New Year break always has a good feeling about it, our flower stock will still have a red theme over the next few weeks with our Valentine orders, but then we start to see spring entering the shop with fresh yellow narcissi, tulips in a variety of colours and the heavenly scent of paperwhites and hyacinths, which with the days starting to get longer always lifts our spirits.